Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

Enjoy your next vacation MORE with some financial planning

Enjoy your next vacation MORE with some financial planning

ATLANTA – This week, Eric takes a look at how to take a vacation while employing total fiscal responsibility. Why is this important? By planning for the financial impact of a vacation, you are able to actually ENJOY the vacation instead of worrying about going over budget or going into credit card debt. Let’s have…More

San Francisco “solves” its feces problem with a million dollar toilet

San Francisco “solves” its feces problem with a million dollar toilet

ATLANTA – San Francisco has a problem with homeless people littering their streets with their fecal matter. Apps have been created to point it out to tourists and city resources have paid for cleanup crews, but neither has helped. Time to build a few public toilets, right? But leave it to democrats to screw that…More

The Talkmaster has a message for white people about their “infectious whiteness”

The Talkmaster has a message for white people about their “infectious whiteness”

ATLANTA – Today, Boortz has a commentary for folks of the “Caucasian persuasion”. It’s about your “whiteness” and the impact it’s having on the “people of color” in the United States. To help define “whiteness”, The Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. has compiled a list of “white behaviors” that have “infected people of color”. “Symptoms”…More

Are We Ignoring Poor Whites?

Are We Ignoring Poor Whites?

ATLANTA – Today, we explore a subgroup of people in our country that is most ignored: Poor whites. Radio Host Tug Cowart sits in with Janelle today to talk about his childhood and personal experiences growing up in a world devoid of “privileges”.More

Proposition 1-A: California’s rail boondoggle

Proposition 1-A: California’s rail boondoggle

ATLANTA – How difficult is it to get construction done in California? Look at the Proposition 1-A, their rail project running between San Francisco and Los Angeles, and you’ll see a model of inefficiency, waste and cost overruns. It’s such a bad project, contractors have pulled out in favor of taking on similar projects in…More

The Boortz Report: The Futility of Gun Buyback Programs

The Boortz Report: The Futility of Gun Buyback Programs

ATLANTA – Time to fire up the “Wayback Machine” and revisit “Police Gun Buyback Programs”. When the numbers are examined, they are proven to be a waste of money and police resources. They do nothing to reduce gun violence, have zero effect on saving lives and are nothing more than an expensive PR stunt that…More

Money Unleashed: Weathering the Financial Storms Ahead

Money Unleashed: Weathering the Financial Storms Ahead

ATLANTA – Coming up with a plan to cope with a financial or economic storm goes a LONG way into protecting your financial assets in a crisis! Preparation is always key to mitigating adverse economic conditions and today Eric has a series of tips and strategies he will share to help you when the “storm”…More

In Trump We Trust

In Trump We Trust

ATLANTA – It is no secret President Trump is the most popular Republican President of this generation. But is this a good thing? Are we still the party of freedom and liberty? Are we trusting Trump more than God? this episode we explore his place in the Party. The good, the bad, and the ugly.More

The Treasury Department’s new Department of Racial Equity and the dangers it represents

The Treasury Department’s new Department of Racial Equity and the dangers it represents

ATLANTA – Today, Boortz examines the Biden administration’s installation of a Racial Equity Committee led by Felicia Wong in the Treasury Department. Central to her mission is to make racial equity part of the Treasury Department’s mission by identifying, monitoring, and reviewing aspects of our economy that have “resulted in unfavorable conditions for communities of…More