Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

FEMA and the after effects of Hurricane Ian

FEMA and the after effects of Hurricane Ian

ATLANTA – The Talkmaster tours parts of Florida that are still devastated from Hurricane Ian and finds the residents still living in damaged homes while they try to repair them. In many cases like this, FEMA would help people out by providing trailers for them to reside in while their home undergoes repairs. Not this…More

Shark Week is “Racist” and you’ll never guess why!

Shark Week is “Racist” and you’ll never guess why!

ATLANTA – There’s nothing more fun for the Talkmaster than finding cases of “racism” that are…kind of stupid. In this case, Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week” has been criticized for its “racism” in a study conducted by Allegheny College. Why? Because a group of parents all gave their kids the same first name. Smack that play…More

Let’s Talk About Change vs. Transformation

Let’s Talk About Change vs. Transformation

ATLANTA – As we start the last month of 2022, it’s time to reflect on the year with Dr. Patricia Anderson who believes that leadership begins with transformation. As we look to the new year, what have we learned about ourselves and the people around us? Are we changing for the better or transforming for…More

Let’s Talk About Unspoken COVID Vax Side Effects

Let’s Talk About Unspoken COVID Vax Side Effects

ATLANTA – There were many unknowns when the COVID outbreak began. When the vaccine arrived on the scene, we thought we had the answer to lay the virus to rest. Then the vaccine started to show unintended side effects on children who were given the shot. Now the safety of the vaccine when used with…More