Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

East Palestine has been turned into Chernobyl

East Palestine has been turned into Chernobyl

ATLANTA – On this edition of The Kimmer Show: What time is show time, Razer troubles, East Palestine turning into Chernobyl, UFO and white objects, Racist police dogs, Theodore & the teddy bear, Geometry fun, #BTT, and more. Take a listen!More

Wokeness is child abuse on America’s teenage girls

Wokeness is child abuse on America’s teenage girls

ATLANTA – The sexualizing of girls through wokeness has to be stopped. It is nothing more than child abuse and today the Talkmaster will reveal how insidious and pervasive it is in today’s media! Oh yeah, Neal’s stirring the pudding again! Fire up this episode of The Boortz Report!More

One Take: Why? The Spy Balloon

One Take: Why? The Spy Balloon

ATLANTA – The Chinese clearly sent the spy balloon for a reason. While partisan fights are always about politics, have you asked yourself why they did it? Take a listen!More

Let’s Talk About the Merge of Church and Politics

Let’s Talk About the Merge of Church and Politics

ATLANTA – The separation of Church and State was never about merging politics and religion. Let’s explore what it is about as I open up sharing my intimate feelings regarding this sensitive topic. Let’s Talk About the Merge of Church and PoliticsMore

Nikki Haley for President in 2024?

Nikki Haley for President in 2024?

ATLANTA – Today we talk about Nikki Haley Running for President. Is she a viable candidate against Trump and DeSantis? Next, we discuss why Democrats placate to people with low incomes. Ben breaks down the reason behind this leftist political tactic. Finally, Ben looks at why Republicans should pull for the city of Atlanta.More

The Boortz Report: Politicians inflated salaries

The Boortz Report: Politicians inflated salaries

ATLANTA – Politicians want a raise. Simple as that. It seems that a yearly salary $175,000 isn’t enough. Here’s the truth: Politicians aren’t worth that salary and today Neal reveals an idea he has of how they should run their offices in a more fiscally responsible manner and would require a politician to justify their…More

The Talkmaster sheds some light on Black History Month 

The Talkmaster sheds some light on Black History Month 

ATLANTA – Since we are at the beginning of Black History Month, Neal has decided to take a look at it. Why? Because what it was intended to be has now become something completely different. Initially, it was a month to celebrate and bring to a higher level of attention the contributions they have made…More