Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

The Ben Burnett Show: Stacey Abrams’ bad campaign spending habits

The Ben Burnett Show: Stacey Abrams’ bad campaign spending habits

ATLANTA – This week Ben examines Stacey Abrams’ bad spending habits from her 2nd failed gubernatorial campaign, her “voter suppression” lie, and her latest whopper about affordable housing. Listening to this will make you glad Brian Kemp beat her in the governor’s race!More

The Boortz Report: Equity in PSAT testing

The Boortz Report: Equity in PSAT testing

ATLANTA – Neal exposes some testing shenanigans occurring at Fairfax County, VA’s Thomas Jefferson Science & Technology High School. Every year, they offer a PSAT test which looks at a student’s readiness for college and also awards a National Merit Scholar Award based upon their score. However at this school, the Principal and school administrators…More

The Ben Burnett Show: One Take – DeSantis vs. Trump

The Ben Burnett Show: One Take – DeSantis vs. Trump

ATLANTA – Ben is joined by Stephen Lawson, the communications director for Governor Ron Desantis, to talk about who he is as a politician, the differences between Governor Kemp and Governor Desantis, and why Donald Trump won’t even be formidable opposition to either person. More

The Boortz Report: The Problem With Government Education

The Boortz Report: The Problem With Government Education

ATLANTA – Neal is not a fan of government education and of its original purpose. What is Neal’s beef with government schools and the education they provide? When you learn about the founding to the public education system, you’ll understand just how harmful their mission was from the onset.More

The REAL reason that Brittney Griner got released and not Paul Wheelan

The REAL reason that Brittney Griner got released and not Paul Wheelan

ATLANTA – Boortz wants to take one last look at the release of Brittney Griner before nausea sinks in for us all…this time from the perspective of a Russian state television commentator who said EXACTLY what none of the media outlets in America would DARE say!The commentator stated that there was three reasons for the…More