Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

Congress will be voting on The Fair Tax…but will this matter?

Congress will be voting on The Fair Tax…but will this matter?

ATLANTA – Neal has learned that the House will be voting on The Fair Tax but Neal is of the mindset that this has no chance of getting passed. This, despite the fact that this tax revenue plan eliminates the IRS, relieves taxpayers of the yearly burden of preparing tax returns, and allows people to…More

A rough week for Kevin McCarthy and what’s ahead under the Gold Dome

A rough week for Kevin McCarthy and what’s ahead under the Gold Dome

ATLANTA – This week on the Ben Burnett Radio Show, we take a look at the speaker vote for Kevin McCarthy. 15 rounds of voting later, he’s been named Speaker of the Hous….now what can we expect? On the local side of things, most powerful lobbyist in Georgia stops in to discuss what to expect…More

The sad story of Malik Moses

The sad story of Malik Moses

ATLANTA – Boortz got a look at a video the other day that had a profound effect on the Talkmaster. It was a video featuring a Malik Moses, a 17 year old that was being led by police into the back of a police cruiser. He was being arrested for shooting and killing an 18…More

Guaranteed income and the government

Guaranteed income and the government

ATLANTA – Government programs are popping up that guarantee income to people who are in need. They help out those who are single mothers or of a “marginalized group” so they can get the necessities they need for life. Sounds good right? Until you take a good, hard look at what these programs actually do…More

The Talkmaster gives us a solution: The Convention of States

The Talkmaster gives us a solution: The Convention of States

ATLANTA – Are you feeling like there’s nothing but chaos in DC and that there’s nothing we can do about it. Well, there’s good news. The answer is The Convention of States. All it would require is 34 states to call for one and currently we’re halfway there. Neal breaks down what The Convention of…More