Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

Nose rings, violence and woke culture

Nose rings, violence and woke culture

ATLANTA – Boortz is not crazy about nose rings. This isn’t based upon a fashion statement that Neal disagrees with, but instead upon the type of people who typically wear them. What’s Neal’s problem with these people? Hit “PLAY”! You’ll see!More

Equity in DeKalb County government run schools is coming

Equity in DeKalb County government run schools is coming

ATLANTA – DeKalb county has hired a new Superintendent of Schools, Devon Horton, who Boortz believes will ultimately ruin that district. Today, Neal makes the case of why he believes students will suffer as a result of his hiring, the consequences of the policies Horton plans to introduce, and his appalling record her’s bringing from…More

A Look At Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy

A Look At Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy

ATLANTA – If you’re not familiar with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, you’re in luck because he is kicking off Janelle’s candidate breakdowns. Vivek Ramaswami is an entrepreneur who has written and spoken against big tech censorship and is co-founder of Strive Asset Management, an investment firm opposed to the environmental, social, and corporate governance…More

Trump gets indicted and it will not end well for Democrats

Trump gets indicted and it will not end well for Democrats

ATLANTA – Democrat District Attorney Alvin Bragg has indicted President Trump and now the Talkmaster shows us how the Democrats have stepped in it. Find out why Neal believes democrats have made a tremendous mistake and what it will do for Trump.More

The tragedy of the Nashville shooting is getting lost in wokeness

The tragedy of the Nashville shooting is getting lost in wokeness

ATLANTA – Neal is in no mood for nonsense today and starts the show with a disclaimer for Trump supporters that is sure to raise more than a few hackles. Next up is the tragedy of the Nashville shooting. Somehow the victims are getting lost in the story over the female shooter who believed she…More

Let’s Talk About: Hot Topics!

Let’s Talk About: Hot Topics!

ATLANTA – This week we are talking current events. We’ll touch on the latest news surrounding Donald Trump, the upcoming 2024 election, a 3rd party emerging, and an Idaho firing squad. Get ready for a ride! Hit “PLAY” and join Janelle!More

The woke’s rules for white people in America

The woke’s rules for white people in America

ATLANTA – Here are some things that white people need to know if they are to interact with people who belong to a racial minority in a proper “woke society”. There are “rules” that you of the Caucasian persuasion are expected to follow and beliefs you must embrace or else you are a racist. Today,…More

Wokeness is stupidity on display

Wokeness is stupidity on display

ATLANTA – Neal has hit his limit with woke activists! Their stupidity over what they perceive to be “racist” shows that their woke minds are malfunctioning massively! Hit that play button and be amazed at how “racism” has become the catch phrase to justify their nonsensical policies and beliefs.More