Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

Jaron Solomon Gives an Insider’s Look at the Diamond Industry

Jaron Solomon Gives an Insider’s Look at the Diamond Industry

ATLANTA – Jaron Solomon is the President of Solomon Brothers. Today we take an inside look at the world of diamonds. From procurement to the finished product. Jaron takes you on an insiders journey to the entire process. He leads you through a world you know of, but actually know almost nothing about.More

California Judges to Use History as a Determining Factor In Criminal Sentencing?

California Judges to Use History as a Determining Factor In Criminal Sentencing?

ATLANTA – The Talkmaster breaks down the latest crazy California proposal dealing with punishment of convicted black criminals in that state. California lawmakers want to enable judges to factor in American History in their sentencing decisions. History? How is that relevant in the determination criminal sentencing? Take a listen and get informed! More

Let’s Talk About The Debt Ceiling with John Marsh

Let’s Talk About The Debt Ceiling with John Marsh

ATLANTA – Our go-to constitutional expert, John Marsh, is here to talk about the Debt Ceiling. He’ll cover what could have happened if the ceiling collapsed and share his insights on what our forefathers might have thought about the situation.More

Cancelling Debt for Useless College Degrees

Cancelling Debt for Useless College Degrees

ATLANTA – There is no question that there are numerous university degrees that are worthless. What’s worse, the US Government thorough guaranteed student loans funds these worthless degrees! Then after graduation, surprise! All those students with “Gender Studies” degrees find themselves working as a barista at Starbucks and unable to repay their loan! So then…More

Penn State’s Leftist Indoctrination of Professors Causes One to Quit

Penn State’s Leftist Indoctrination of Professors Causes One to Quit

ATLANTA – Many people are critical of American schools calling them “indoctrination centers” of leftist ideology for children. But is there a larger problem of indoctrination in schools? Today, Boortz exposes Penn State University’s indoctrination of their professors. He’ll look at one in particular that decided quitting his job was better than dealing with the…More

The Talkmaster’s take on “Affirmative Action”

The Talkmaster’s take on “Affirmative Action”

ATLANTA – Leftists are collectively losing their minds now that the Supreme Court has ruled that race cannot be used as a determining factor in college admissions. Needless to say, Neal has a different take on the subject and he breaks it down in today’s “Boortz Report”.More