Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

The Detriment of DEI and Will President Biden Run for Reelection?

The Detriment of DEI and Will President Biden Run for Reelection?

ATLANTA – DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) has corrupted business, education, pop culture, and politics. Today, Ben takes a good hard look at the effects DEI has on all of the above and what it will do to our way of life if it is allowed to flourish. He’ll also examine the current state of…More

The OceanGate Tragedy and “The New Republic’s” Leftist Take On It

The OceanGate Tragedy and “The New Republic’s” Leftist Take On It

ATLANTA – In recent days, the news has been dominated by the implosion of the OceanGate tourism submarine on a sight seeing trip to the Titanic. Today, the Talkmaster gives his take on this failed expedition which took the lives of OceanGate founder Stockton Rush and 4 other tourists. But how did “The New Republic”…More

Small Business Spotlight – Great Grizzly Fireworks

Small Business Spotlight – Great Grizzly Fireworks

ATLANTA – Great Grizzly Fireworks is one of the largest fireworks retailers in the state of Georgia, and today on “The Small Business Spotlight”, Tug Coward chats with AJ Burns to discuss just what happens in the industry as we move closer to July 4th. But are fireworks restricted to once a year? NO WAY!…More

Money Unleashed with Nick Leone – Protection, income, and growth

Money Unleashed with Nick Leone – Protection, income, and growth

ATLANTA – There are three things one needs to be concerned with when planning one’s retirement: Protection, Income and Growth. Each of these financial disciplines requires identifying the individual’s needs, goals for retirement and standard of living. Today, Nick examines all three concepts, provides some tips to managing them and has circumstances where planning for…More

Why Liberals Always Fail at Talk Radio

Why Liberals Always Fail at Talk Radio

ATLANTA – The Talkmaster knows why liberals never make it as a talk show host on the radio. He’ll break it down for you and expose the central reason they always fail.More

China is Hiding In Plain Sight

China is Hiding In Plain Sight

ATLANTA – Have you noticed China’s increasing presence in various fields? From the Belt and Road Initiative to TikTok propaganda, US farmland purchases, and now IVF and surrogacy, it seems they are hiding in plain sight. Let’s discuss it.More

Artificial Intelligence and What It Means For America’s Future

Artificial Intelligence and What It Means For America’s Future

ATLANTA – Today we talk about the rapid development of artificial intelligence, what it means for America in the future, and the dangers it poses to us “organics”. In addition, this episode features our interview with First Horizon Bank CEO Bryan Jordan, and a primer in how to fight back against social media companies who target…More