ATLANTA – Our go-to constitutional expert, John Marsh, is here to talk about the Debt Ceiling. He’ll cover what could have happened if the ceiling collapsed and share his insights on what our forefathers might have thought about the situation.… More
ATLANTA – Our go-to constitutional expert, John Marsh, is here to talk about the Debt Ceiling. He’ll cover what could have happened if the ceiling collapsed and share his insights on what our forefathers might have thought about the situation.… More
ATLANTA – There is no question that there are numerous university degrees that are worthless. What’s worse, the US Government thorough guaranteed student loans funds these worthless degrees! Then after graduation, surprise! All those students with “Gender Studies” degrees find themselves working as a barista at Starbucks and unable to repay their loan! So then…… More
ATLANTA – What does it mean when “financial Independence” has been reached? How to deal with financial freedom and making it work for the long term? Today, we’ll take a look at some ideas of how to build financial freedom, make it last for the long term, and build confidence through wealth.… More
ATLANTA – No cocaine discussions this morning, instead The Talkmaster wants to discuss OG Mandino and some positive quotes. Take a listen and enter the weekend with a positive mindset!… More
ATLANTA – Many people are critical of American schools calling them “indoctrination centers” of leftist ideology for children. But is there a larger problem of indoctrination in schools? Today, Boortz exposes Penn State University’s indoctrination of their professors. He’ll look at one in particular that decided quitting his job was better than dealing with the…… More
ATLANTA – Leftists are collectively losing their minds now that the Supreme Court has ruled that race cannot be used as a determining factor in college admissions. Needless to say, Neal has a different take on the subject and he breaks it down in today’s “Boortz Report”.… More
ATLANTA – This program is a “Best Of” show that will highlight some examples of how Hoffman Financial has helped folks with their retirement planning. Fire it up for a collection of tips and investment advice that will help you choose your investing path!… More
ATLANTA – Joe Biden is using a CPAP machine while he sleeps and the media is trying to make a case of it. Now it’s Bootz’s turn. Today, the Talkmaster examines why that CPAP you found out about aint such a big thing!… More
ATLANTA – We will be discussing China’s involvement in our US Surrogacy program further. Emma Waters, a writer for the Heritage Foundation and author of “California’s New Handmaid’s Tale,” will be sharing her insights. Emma is a Research Associate for the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at The Heritage Foundation,…… More
ATLANTA – DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) has corrupted business, education, pop culture, and politics. Today, Ben takes a good hard look at the effects DEI has on all of the above and what it will do to our way of life if it is allowed to flourish. He’ll also examine the current state of…… More