Category Archives: XTRA Trending News

This is the category for news and blog posts to appear on XTRA 106.3FM’s web site.

The Left’s “Corporations Are Evil” Obsession

The Left’s “Corporations Are Evil” Obsession

ATLANTA – Here we go again! The left is carrying on about “Evil Corporations” and how “bad they are for society”. Today, Neal dismantles their mistaken belief in the malevolence of corporations. He’ll explain what corporations are, why they’re great for America, and why the left is so hellbent on maligning them.More

The War Against Meritocracy

The War Against Meritocracy

ATLANTA – There is a war against meritocracy going on in this country right now. There are many who believe that everyone should have the same amount of “stuff” no matter how hard they work for it. People expect maximum reward for minimum effort and today the Talkmaster will reveal why this level of selfishness…More

Money Unleashed: A Deep Dive into 401(k)s

Money Unleashed: A Deep Dive into 401(k)s

ATLANTA – In a recent study of over 500,000 retirees, Vanguard discovered two things:70% of retirees leave money in their 401(k) or IRA and pull it out as needed and…30% cashed out their 401(k) and the money was gone within 5 years. Why are BOTH of these scenarios problematic? Find out today as we dive…More

Second Quarter Election Fundraising Numbers and What They Mean

Second Quarter Election Fundraising Numbers and What They Mean

ATLANTA – Today, it’s all about the second quarter fundraising numbers.  Ben takes a deep dive into what they tell you about the candidates, who is building the biggest war chest, and what these donations have on what you “can’t quite see”.More

Jaron Solomon Gives an Insider’s Look at the Diamond Industry

Jaron Solomon Gives an Insider’s Look at the Diamond Industry

ATLANTA – Jaron Solomon is the President of Solomon Brothers. Today we take an inside look at the world of diamonds. From procurement to the finished product. Jaron takes you on an insiders journey to the entire process. He leads you through a world you know of, but actually know almost nothing about.More

California Judges to Use History as a Determining Factor In Criminal Sentencing?

California Judges to Use History as a Determining Factor In Criminal Sentencing?

ATLANTA – The Talkmaster breaks down the latest crazy California proposal dealing with punishment of convicted black criminals in that state. California lawmakers want to enable judges to factor in American History in their sentencing decisions. History? How is that relevant in the determination criminal sentencing? Take a listen and get informed! More