Category Archives: News

Navigating the Ins and Outs of Required Minimum Distributions

Navigating the Ins and Outs of Required Minimum Distributions

ATLANTA – Navigating the maze of Required Minimum Distributions just got easier thanks to our latest Retirement Roadmap episode. Evan and Mark Fricks are here to guide you through the recent updates to RMDs, now kicking in at 73 or 75 for those born in 1960 or later. Understand the necessity behind these withdrawals, the…More

Civilizations Have Lifespans, so How Does America Look?

Civilizations Have Lifespans, so How Does America Look?

In those civilizations, those eras probably thought what they had was going to go on forever, but it didn’t. What about us in America? Do we believe that the American experiment, our amazing country, is going to go on forever? It’s been around all our lives. Why isn’t it going to stay around?  ATLANTA –…More

The Media Blames the Gun, not the Trigger Man

The Media Blames the Gun, not the Trigger Man

Nothing gets better until we and the media and the media narrative becomes, “What do we do about these violent teenagers,” instead of, “What do we do about these guns?“ ATLANTA – Another mall shooting recently occurred in Indianapolis and the media predictably is blaming the firearms and not those pulling the triggers. Today, Neal…More

Ben Burnett: National Debt, Tik Tok, and Don Lemon Fired Again

Ben Burnett: National Debt, Tik Tok, and Don Lemon Fired Again

ATLANTA – The national debt is continuing to spiral upward and shows no sign of slowing down. Today, Ben takes a look at how high the debt has risen, the reasons we find ourselves so underwater in debt, and what if anything we can do about it. In a rare show of unity, the Congressional…More

Boortz and “The Book of Lies”

Boortz and “The Book of Lies”

Last night something occurred to me. An idea for a book. I couldn’t fight it. There it was, interrupting my sleep. A book about lies. A book about lies politicians tell us in order to subjugate us and maintain their power. NEAL BOORTZ ATLANTA – Neal has been retired for 12 years and enjoying travelling…More

Boortz’s State of the Union Address

Boortz’s State of the Union Address

In America, men athletes who find themselves failures competing against other men can now say, “Well actually, I’m a woman,” and start competing against women setting records along the way.  NEAL BOORTZ ATLANTA – The Talkmaster presents his own brief State of The Union and it presents a view of the United States that while…More

BOORTZ: The Dangers of “Presidential Immunity”

BOORTZ: The Dangers of “Presidential Immunity”

ATLANTA – The Talkmaster points out the shortcomings of the last 4 American Presidents with regard to their track records on “Presidential Immunity.” From administration to administration, the term has been redefined to suit the politics of the party in charge or the President claiming to have it for one reason or another. Today, Boortz examines…More

Retirement Roadmap Radio – Ready to Retire

ATLANTA – How do you know when you are ready to retire? In this episode, we discuss many facets to consider as you prepare for your next stage of life. We’ll look at questions that need to be addressed like long-term goals, retirement savings, and a financial legacy. Listen in as we address these and…More

Janelle King: Sanctuary Cities, Political Narratives, and Flip-flopping Dems

Janelle King: Sanctuary Cities, Political Narratives, and Flip-flopping Dems

ATLANTA – We’re keeping the flame alive with my “Hot 24” series, and this time, we’re immersing ourselves in the pulsating topic of Immigration in the 2024 election cycle. Join me as we unravel the layers of the ongoing border crisis, shedding light on the pivotal role of sanctuary cities and delving into the intriguing…More