The Greatest Moments In Sports

I’m not sure who put this video collection together..bravo and take a bow..and it might not have “every” great moment in it..but if youve got 6 or so minutes and you’re a sports fan..this is for you.

It’s just a quick reminder of “Some You Win..Some You Lose,” and the wins and the losses are not all created equally.

  I’ve said for years..the joy of my win should only be topped by the pain of your loss.

So many of these moments I had no dog in the fight. Probably the same with you.

  But it doesn’t make any less the excitement and “Can you believe that” conversations we’ve had about so many of these.

So hit “PLAY” on the video below. Sit back..or lean forward..and enjoy for the first time..or second..or 100th..some of the reasons why sports are phenomenal, joyous, and  heartbreaking.