I’ve noticed some more whining from the left about CEO pay. Those evil capitalists running these major corporations making so much money… I have a few questions I want to ask you. Why is it “Buc-ee’s” now instead of “Stuckey’s?” Why is it “Walmart” instead of “Kmart?” You know we’re talking about thousands of jobs here, maybe 10’s of thousands. Why is Home Depot flourishing but you never hear of “Ply Mart” anymore?
The answer’s “Leadership.”
ATLANTA – Boortz is sick and tired of hearing the constant whining about CEO compensation levels from those on the left. “They get paid too much,” they scream at the top of their lungs with all of their self-righteousness on full display. However, what they don’t realize is that what is truly on display for the world to see is their complete lack of understanding of the worth of a good CEO.
Today, Boortz explains why the left’s “Paycheck Derangement Syndrome” is wrong and why high pay for a CEO can be justified. Fire it up!