There is no conversation anymore with liberals.NEAL BOORTZ:
Well, you nailed it. There’s no… there’s no critical thinking. That’s why they can’t last on talk radio. Because the callers kill them. And that’s why they do so well in …newspapers and what have you because you can write your insipid left-wing nonsense column, publish it, and then go sit in your office and not incur any feedback!
ATLANTA – The Talkmaster dropped in with the morning XTRA to chat about Life, the Universe and Everything and we have it all here for you today! Enjoy over an hour of the Talkmaster hanging out with Los, Rhino & Tug.
On the radar today, the upcoming Presidential debate, surviving a hurricane, Barack Obama and his current role in the Democrat Party, regulations that shut down small business, The awesomeness that is Buc-ee’s and MORE!