ATLANTA – It’s a big “Ben Burnett Show” today and it starts with a look at the last Republican Debate. It got plenty heated among DeSantis, Haley, Ramaswami and Christie with each casting barbs at one another throughout. Ben looks at their heated exchanges, the points they made, and ultimately who came out on top at the end of the night.
Next, Ben looks at the retirement from Congress of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. What’s on the horizon for him as he leaves government? Is he looking at another run in some other capacity? Learn more about what the future holds for him with Ben.
Finally, the elephant in the room that nobody wants to discuss: “Entitlement Reform”. Ben dives into why it should happen, the benefits it would bestow upon the nation as a whole, and the reasons that nobody wants to discuss it.
It’s a big show, so fire it up and get ready