By Bryce Maxim, XTRA 106.3FM – ATLANTA
Elon Musk finally buying Twitter for $43 billion has initiated a shockwave of panic throughout the mainstream media and twitterati leftists. They tremble in simultaneous fear and outrage of what Musk has planned for the social media platform believing he is a “threat to democracy”.
This horror that leftists believe “Evil Scientist Elon” plans to unleash upon these Twitter twits is the atrocity known as “free speech”. Somehow, they believe open debate and the elimination of online censorship through shadow banning is a threat to democracy, though curiously can never specifically say why.
These people prefer an online platform where newspapers like the New York Post are banned for daring to report the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop. They want a platform verboten to the Babylon Bee which routinely savages democrats with razor-sharp satire and humor.
It’s not surprising. There are two things that democrats hate more than anything else and no, in this instance it is not President Donald J. Trump and those who vote republican.
More than anything else, leftists hate being “wrong” and hate their hypocrisy being called out.
For example, when they employ Twitter as a broadcast medium to deliver an unscientific, biological fairy tale like “men can have babies”, they rely on like-thinking allies within Twitter to suppress opposing views that easily refute that position. Through shadow banning tweets or outright removal from the platform, leftists have enjoyed the luxury of not having to answer for their online stupidity and mental laziness.
Enter Elon Musk and his fat wallet full of cash.
Now these same leftists realize the jig is up. Elon Musk has pledged to open up Twitter to more debate and end the practice of censorship and suppression that has been the norm for far too long on that platform.
They’ll instead have to defend their positions, which is the crux of the left’s current Elon Musk fear-porn panic. They’d prefer Twitter do their dirty work by censoring viewpoints that oppose theirs because it’s easier than forming a cogent rebuttal.
Somehow, this hideous oxymoron is the left’s preferred form of “freedom of speech” on Twitter and thankfully new management has promised it’s one that will be ending soon.

Wokeoid filmmaker Billy Eichner decides it’s time to turn his crazy dial to 11 and start dishing out hate to those who pass on seeing his homosexual romantic comedy “BROS” which he wrote and stars in.
On its opening weekend “BROS” was released on over 3,000 screens, yet only managed to generate around $4.5 million in revenue against a $22 million production budget. Unquestionably, this makes “BROS” one of the biggest movie flops in history.
Perhaps if Billy Eichner were capable of some objective introspection, he might realize that the movie is flawed, or perhaps it had been promoted incorrectly. He could then tell people to give it a chance and
humbly ask for them to go see his film.
However, Eichner seems quite incapable of such a feat and instead has decided to blame “BROS” failure on straight people and their “homophobia”” saying, “Even with glowing reviews, great Rotten Tomatoes scores, an “A” CinemaScore etc., straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros. And that’s disappointing but it is what it is.”
In a follow up statement, Eichner encouraged anyone who “ISN’T a homophobic weirdo” to go see the film.
In Billy’s twisted worldview, a “homophobic public” is the reason why “BROS” flopped faster than LeBron in the paint. He believes he is a victim of a country full of homophobic hatred, much like Jussie Smollett believed white supremacists had a problem with his 2am sub sandwich run.
Once one steps away from Billy’s peculiar combination of hatred and crazy, it’s easy to see that it isn’t homophobia fueling this box office bomb. It’s the combined, marketing stupidity of Billy Eichner and the rich, woke patsies who funded this celluloid garbage dump.
Fair disclosure time: No surprise here, but I’ll be passing on this film faster than I did on “The Woman King” and for many of the same reasons. Chief among them is my refusal to be guilted by some Hollywood snob into seeing their film. My time and money are worth more to me than Viola Davis’ or Billy Eichner’s opinion.
The main reason for my hard pass is my complete lack of interest across the board for everything this film contains. I am simply not the target market this film was made for, which goes back to my point of this being an exercise in poor marketing.
Like many of today’s movie going audience, I’m not gay. It’s true. I’m a flaming heterosexual, so watching a gay rom-com awash in rainbow flags and gobs of queercentric comedy is just not on my bucket list, my radar, or my “To Do List”.
Sorry, but not sorry. This movie just “aint my thing”. For Eichner to suggest that I should “make it my thing” or be labeled by him as “homophobic” is nothing more than the name calling of a petulant child angry that you don’t appreciate what he does.
I’m not a fan of romantic comedies. The only time I will ever, or have ever watched one, was to entertain a woman I would have been dating at the time. It’s called “taking a bullet for the team” because the films mean nothing to me. However, I’ll be more than happy to view it to satisfy the wishes someone I enjoy spending time with, but never to satisfy the ego of a privileged snot like Eichner.
I’m not woke. I don’t feel the need to signal my virtue by buying a ticket to a movie with absolutely nothing in it that interests me. And for what? To “look good” in a Twitter post to a Hollywood clown 3,000 miles away that I’ll never meet nor would care to? It would take a special kind of stupid that most non-woke Americans are incapable of achieving without the aid of 3 gallons of whiskey and a handful of Vicodin pills in their stomach for that concept to fly.
Truth be told, “BROS” is film is so pigeonholed in its demographic targeting of homosexual men that like romantic comedies, that it was doomed to failure from the start. There simply isn’t enough audience buying what Eichner is selling, gay or straight.
Or maybe Eichner’s film just plain sucks.

Keeping that rainbow flag flying, this week Warner Bros. Cartoons officially revealed that the character of “Velma” on “Scooby Doo” is a lesbian. While some may hail this as a positive step forward in LBGTQ representation, it is in fact a slap in the face of lesbians.
Warner Bros. had two females to choose from to adopt the lesbian lifestyle. Velma is dumpy, bespectacled brunette that’s not too attractive, while Daphne, the other female character on the show, is portrayed as a tall, beautiful redhead.
I find it interesting that Warner Bros. chose the dumpy, less attractive Velma over the more attractive Daphne to be the lesbian on the show.
Perhaps they were so caught up in their virtue signaling they neglected to notice that portraying lesbians as dumpy and unattractive is rather cliché and that what they’re doing isn’t “breaking new ground”.
It’s actually reinforcing the stereotype about how a lesbian “should” look. She can’t be tall and pretty like Daphne, she has to be dumpy and plain. It’s a brilliant failure both for the needless introduction of woke, sexual identity politics into the Scooby-Doo cartoon franchise and for fostering a stereotypical portrayal of a lesbian.
With only weeks to go before the midterm elections, just about every commercial break on television, radio or youtube features annoying, political advertisements. These easily ignored, cookie-cutter wastes of time and money feature politicians droning on about their virtues while criticizing their opponent’s evils.
“Blah…blah…blah…BAD!….Blah…blah….blah…GOOD.” You know the routine.
However, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana released a political ad that not only features a truly effective message linking the rise in crime in Louisiana to democrat policies, but ended the spot with one of the greatest one-liners ever uttered by a politician.
Best of all, Kennedy’s ad is absolutely hilarious! He delivers a devastating criticism of democrat crime policies, but in a witty and gentile manner. It’s the verbal equivalent of someone getting slapped in the face by a velvet glove loaded with a brick.
This is 30 seconds of your day you will truly enjoy and a must see for those who like an unbelievable, mic drop moment and truly EPIC!

Fresh off passing a law banning the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035, the California legislature has now passed legislation banning the sale of natural gas furnaces after 2030 in the name of cutting greenhouse gases. After that, the only furnaces available to heat homes will be electric.
Again, it must be noted that the state of California cannot even keep the electricity switched on statewide with current levels of demand. Brownouts and scheduled blackouts are the norm and every mention of upgrading or modernizing their electric grid to cope with demand is met with resistance by environmental activists. Yet somehow this state will have an electric grid ready in 8 years to deal with the new added demand of electric vehicles and electric heating?
Here’s a dose of reality that is lacking in Sacramento: When the effects of these fascistic green laws kick in, the exodus of people leaving California will dwarf the current one.
And who could blame them? Living in a state where the government forces its residents to buy a car they can’t charge or drive while living in a house they can’t heat in the winter isn’t an appealing prospect.
What California democrats have enacted into law is setting up the state for failure within the decade. Dictating what automotive and HVAC products are available for consumers while squashing the availability of products they perceive as an “environmental threat” is simply fascism adorned with chintzy environmentalism.