By Bryce Maxim
ATLANTA – Joe Biden is considering a Russia / America prisoner swap. He wants to trade imprisoned WNBA basketball player Brittney Griner and another American convicted of spying, for a dangerous arms dealer doing time in an American prison. The Russians responded to the trade offer by saying they’ll consider it only if it includes a 2023 first round draft pick and the release of a spy to be determined later.
The Bad News: President Joe Biden is polling at a 31% job approval rating making his the lowest ever for a president and Vice President Kamala Harris’ is at 26%, also a new low.
The Good News: This makes them the bestest ever at being the worstest ever!
In a recent TV attack ad aimed at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, California Governor Gavin Newsom claimed that there is more “freedom” to be found in California than in Florida.
If Newsom includes the “freedom” to rob freight trains, assault people at will, steal up to $950 worth of merchandise from any retailer in the state, and take a crap on a city sidewalk without penalty from the law, then he is correct.
Disney’s job is “escapism”, not “wokism”! As soon as they remember this, their movies and TV shows will stop sucking!
Leftists believe that every US school should have a drag queen in it because drag queens “make everything fabulous”, but they don’t want armed security officers in schools to help prevent mass shootings because their presence would make schools “more dangerous”.
Why not just combine the two and make schools “fabulously dangerous”? I’m pretty sure 99% of active-shooter wannabes would flee in terror when confronted by a cross dressing, technicolor nightmare of a security officer armed with a neon pink “Hello Kitty” themed AR-15!
End of line.