Kirby Smart has delivered on expectations, Falcon flags are back on cars, and the Braves…BLUNDER!

Every “long suffering” fan base pulls this nonsense from time to time. In August, every member of the “Buck and Kincade” team came to an agreement that after a disappointing 7-5 regular season for Kirby Smart that a fair expectation was a 10-2 regular season and an SEC East Title in 2017. He delivered that and even went one better!
Now the SEC Title Game week has arrived and fans are attempting to move the goal posts on him. I’ve read various pieces talking about how Georgia needs redemption because of the way that they lost at Auburn. Yes, that loss was horrible but winning an SEC Title should not be considered a mandate.
The Dawgs have every reason to be confident they can clean up their mistakes and make Saturday a more representative effort. The idea of winning that title in Year Two would be an incredible accomplishment. It should not be a huge disappointment if it does not materialize.
The Falcons sit at 7-4 and I have been watching all of the flags appear again on the cars on my commute. That’s a good thing, but it was a joke that for the defending NFC Champs it was ever an option. The bandwagon spilled out quickly and now is filling up again.
I asked Buck and JChad if the Falcons season was over at 4-4. They declared it dead and we argued vehemently. Maybe they were too close to be objective. I did not understand the panic. Atlanta was too talented to let the season collapse away. Now the final 5 games are a 3-2 iffy, 4-1 you are in challenge. I’ll still bet 3-2 gets the job done. After last years run, don’t give up on the Falcons. There is a lot of football to be played and at 4-4 they were still very much alive!
I credit the Braves for doing a thorough house cleaning and getting rid of the leaders that oversaw the embarrassing scouting scandal. It is fair to ask why Terry McGurk comes away unscathed but no evidence implicated him from the MLB office.
The error is in not agreeing to answer any media questions AFTER the scandal. Not taking questions makes it look like they are not being accountable to their fan base and the media. The Red Sox answered questions publicly about the sanctions they previously received. It just looks bad. I’m floored that was the choice.
Co-Host “Buck and Kincade” – 680 The Fan
Host “John Kincade Show” – CBS Sports Radio
Co-Host “BIG Podcast with Shaq” – Podcast One
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